In 2024 Black Friday's
Grow With The Flow
and enjoy 20% OFF all out services.

“Are you ready BF24?”
It takes a lot of research, strategy, and timely execution. As a professional with 10 years of experience in growth, I've led marketing efforts for many Black Friday campaigns with revenues exceeding 9 digits per month, as well as those starting from zero—often the hardest to help. Why? Because starting out means you have nothing to stand on and everything to build up. That's even harder than growing, don't you agree? And why is that? Because many entrepreneurs are just focused on doing—often without thinking carefully first.
To address this, I founded Yangflow, a venture builder that turns ideas into ventures, end-to-end.
Our flagship studio, the Marketing & Branding Studio, offers:

Ever wished you could hire a complete marketing team, for a fraction of cost and with ZERO hiring expenses?
Hiring is expensive, we get it. But it doesn't have to be. Overseas staffing is a reality for many US companies today. Solo freelancers are great, but you can get much more from the same dollars.
If you hire a fractional team of people who are integrated and organized you'll get both efficiency and security. Whereas with a messy freelancer who works for you after their 9-5, things may be a little different.
Based 100% in Brazil, your project will benefit from a full-time only team that lives and breathes the global western culture and works in your timezone (from PST to CEST), making integration a breeze. Not to mention that, Brazilian creativity ranks in the top 3, alongside the US and UK, in the Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity awards rank. ¹
“Wait. How's a Venture Builder different than an agency?”
TL;DR Agencies execute projects. Venture Builders create companies. We are these 2-in-1.
As Venture Builders we'll design your winning strategy.
Before even touching any task, we will use our secret weapon (will explain soon) to dive deep in your business and design the strategy of how your business can win in your market. This gives us the cockpit view that you have as entrepreneur so that we can think and work like you do.
As an Agency, we'll execute it.
Once a strategy is designed, it's time to put boots on the ground and get work done. The speed and quality that a digital-native agency can provide paired with deep business understanding and solid strategy is what makes our work stand out.
You don't just need deliverables done fast. You need them done well too!
And its due our secret weapon that we are able to deliver exactly that: quality AND speed.
“Ok but... how does it work?”
/It's a simple as 1-2-3/
Our secret weapon
Collaboration is hard, we get it. And it's not just a matter of tools. Again, it's not the execution but the thinking behind it that makes it work. Yes, we do use modern tools such as Notion, Figma, Slack, and many others... but what truly makes the difference is that we invest time to understand your business. To ensure that, we'll draw our understandings visually, together, so that we can literally be on the same page. Or better, in the same Map. Let me explain:
Early on, we realized that our clients were usually LOST. They didn't know what they wanted or how to achieve it. They knew what others were doing, they had some idea of what they needed, but they usually couldn't connect the dots. So, that's why they hired us.
A typical agency would execute on confusion. We, on the other hand, execute only when we're aligned with the client, and to do that, we draw a map of where we are (Reseach) ...and where we want to go (Strategy):
That's the Yinflow Marketing Map. A proprietary methodology we've built to turn client-agency confusion into a sophisticated idea blueprint for us builders to rely on.
We gather all relevant information about the topic into a single circular canvas known as the Research Map.
All strategic decisions are then made based on the research and documented in another
canvas called the Strategy Map.
We then initiate execution with full clarity, ensuring alignment among stakeholders and team members, leveraging modern collaboration tools and processes.
Our secret weapon
It takes just 2-4 weeks. You probably spent more time trying to find a good agency than this. Crafting a solid strategy actually saves time because it reduces execution time and the risk of mistakes. In mathematical terms, these 2-4 weeks saves our clientes, on average, to 2-4 months of scrambling.
I've said enough about us. Now I'd like to hear about you and for that, I'll leave you to Jhon, our Head of Marketing, who is ready to hear all about your ideas.
Your future partner,
Rafael, CEO of Yangflow.